Take Our Inventory

Learning Style Products
Type Product Description Price
Click on the product's "Buy Now" button to purchase and take inventories!
To see a sample screen shot of a portion of a study plan produced by our inventory, click here and here.
Learning Style Inventory One-Time Use Learning Styles for Kids An online learning styles inventory for ages 7 - 11 years old
Immediate access code & link to inventory sent by email
(For immediate use or can be used later)
Learning Styles for Teens & Adults An online learning styles inventory for ages 12 & up
Immediate access code & link to inventory sent by email
(For immediate use or can be used later)
Learning Style Inventories
6-Pack for Family Use
6 test options
3 Children & 3 Teen/Adult Inventories
A multi-user learning styles inventory pack of 6
Mix and match options for all ages
Immediate access code & link to inventories sent by email
(They are available for immediate use or can be taken at different times)
Teacher Kit Learning Styles for the Classroom
or Co-op
Learning style inventories for 30 students, 2 teacher inventories, and a learning styles class chart for the teacher.
For Grades 2nd-6th Teacher email address & internet access required
A code & link will be sent via email
For immediate use or can be used later.
(Individual student inventories can be taken at different times.)
For Teen & Adult Classrooms Teacher email address & internet access required
A code & link will be sent via email
For immediate use or can be used later.
(Individual student inventories can be taken at different times.)

Kids Classroom Pack

Teen/Adult Classroom Pack