Who We Are

Our Philosophy

We believe that every child has an individual learning style.

We believe that knowing a child's learning style will positively impact his or her learning process.

We believe that parents and teachers can learn to teach in ways that best accommodate their child's learning style preferences.

Our Mission

It is our mission to teach children and their parents how they learn best. We give them an overview of a highly effective learning styles model with an inventory and the tools they need to create the best learning experience possible.

Who We Are...

Learning Styles for Kids is a resource for parents and teachers who want a practical model for understanding how their students learn best. We are a team of teachers and parents who have used the Dunn & Dunn model in the classroom and at home for the past ten years and have seen amazing results with the practical insights provided by Dunn & Dunn's research. The lead teacher and developer of our resources, Kelley Howsare, is a certified Learning Styles Trainer in Dunn and Dunn Instructional Strategies by St. John's University (NY) and she holds a Florida Professional Certificate in Elementary Education. She offers learning styles training seminars to parents and teachers throughout the year.

The Dunn & Dunn Model of Learning Style contributes insight gained from over 45 years of research. Being the original educational researchers who introduced the term "learning style" in the 1960's, Drs. Kenneth & Rita Dunn are quoted in nearly every educational textbook or professional article on the subject. What we, at Learning Styles for Kids, bring to you, is the application of their model and teaching methods in a simple inventory written for children and individualized study tips and tools based on their profile. Some of the questions are very basic, while others look a bit into the psychology of each learner. But whether we're simply looking at the student's lighting preference or a whole processing strategy, the brilliance in this model is in the knowing which questions should be asked based on the research. Not every preference evaluated in our questionnaire affects every learner, but most learners are greatly impacted by at least seven of the preferences we assess.

We've found that when parents become newly aware of even one of their child's learning preferences, it makes a huge difference in their interaction with their child, in the child's success in difficult subjects, and in the attitudes he or she has towards learning. After applying their model to numerous cultural, gender, age and socio-economic groups, the results continue to speak for themselves. Knowing and applying learning style preferences to the learning process makes a significant difference in academic achievement and attitudes towards learning.

We invite you and your children to take our test and see for yourselves!