Are you wondering if your child can be successful with online education? Knowing his/her learning style can help you decide. Just as students need to adapt in a face-to-face classroom setting, they also need to understand what to do to make virtual learning most beneficial.
Does he need to move around while concentrating? This learning style preference can be very important to accommodate and there are simple ways to make that happen – even for online learning. Is she having trouble completing assignments in one sitting? Then she’s most likely a low persistence learner and would benefit from scheduling short breaks. What time of day does your child learn best? He knows the answer if you just ask him.
21 Learning Style Preferences
There are 21 different learning style preferences that affect how people learn best. Drs. Dunn & Dunn found that most children over the age of 6 years old know their preferences when asked. And with some basic observation parents can guess the preferences of younger ones too.
Take the Test!
Take the adult learning style assessment first and then allow your child(ren) to take the kids’ version. Let them know that there is no wrong answer for the questions and what they say may surprise you and help make sense of some frustrating situations!
Some preferences make online learning more difficult and some make it a great choice for your child. If you are put into a situation in which you must choose between various options it helps to understand how they learn best and have some expert teacher tools to make the best decision possible. If you are required to enroll your child in a virtual learning program, knowing his/her learning style will help you make the most of it.
Do you want to ask me a specific question about your child’s learning style?
Have them take the assessment and there will be an option to submit a question at the end along with great study tips for their specific learning style.
Best wishes and use my 50% off “ONLINE50” coupon for the months of June, July and August!
Take your assessment and receive your personalized study tips here: Adult Learning Style Assessment
Have your child take it here: Learning Style Assessment for Kids